"Listen to each other with your hearts (not your ears). Appreciate the the peace, joy, and happiness in each other, always and forever. It is a beautiful thing."

"Dennis and Jessica, you are both two of the most sweetest people I have ever known!
Never go to sleep upset at one another, whatever you're arguing about can't be stronger than the love you have! I love you both!!!"
—Your cousin Isabel :)

"Congratulations to you both. Just remember to keep God first, your spouse second, and your children third. May the God of great things grant you abundant joy and happiness!"
—Aunt Deb

"Dennis and Jess, I wish you both a long marriage, good health and forture, with little kids to keep your life busy......LOVE TIA Pearl ;)"

"Remember this: the best way to break the tension after or during a fight is TO FART.
No one can ignore the silliness (or stink) of a fart. :) Love you! Can't wait for the wedding."
—Nancy Russ

"Never, never say, "I told you so!"
Never, never criticize or apologize for your spouse in public.
Always, always remind him/her how happy you are to be married to the love of your life.
What a joy to see two of our best friends beginning their journey together! Never grow too old to hold hands or to cuddle on the couch for an old movie. This is just the beginning of the wisdom that we will share over the next few months."
—Cal & Sharen Kline (Two very special friends that have greatly influenced our lives.)

"Jess, short lesson. Make sure Dennis knows how to clean, turn on washer & dryer, and grocery shop when you are sick or working. Learn from your mother-in-law. Love Tia (Auntie) Pearl Alves! P.S. Smile and enjoy the big parties.

"Dennis. The only two words that you need to know. Yes dear." —Dick Sheldon
(Our dear friend we randomly met at a restaurant in Sag Harbor over 3 years ago.)

"Dennis, congratulations! Jess, my sympathies." —Jim Cush
(One of Dennis' best friends from Emerson)